Over 40 assessments of industrial sites
Over the past two years, Wavestone’s auditors have conducted more than 40 cybersecurity assessments of industrial sites in various sectors (pharmaceutical, food processing, energy, etc.).
These assessments have enabled us to benchmark the level of cybersecurity of these sites on a selection of themes.

Our assessment methodology
Wavestone has developed an industrial site assessment framework, adaptable to the specificities of the sector or the client, allowing a global assessment of the cybersecurity level of a site or a production line.

Focus on 5 key themes
This benchmark of the level of cybersecurity of industrial sites is based on a selection of themes: governance, network segmentation, remote access, system administration and resilience. For each of these categories, we share successes, failures and recommendations, concluding with our key actions to get a good start on a site security program.
If you want to know more, you can find the detailed study.